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Theming in Linux

Linux is identical for its identical.

The Linux is great system with its identical features. And community of linux also encourage a atmosphere of personality. Having working on linux for several months, I have gradually understanded the purpose and meaning of open-source and community in the system and its ecosystem. And for myself, I also want to make the everyday environment more custome and comfort. Then, I decided to have a try on theming the Linux.

What I want to do is to make some change or just some simple modification to current theme of desktop. Since I use the Linux Mint (Cinnamon Edition, Version 17.2, currently the latest), the desktop environment is Cinnamon which is forked from Gnome. With this basic information, let’s try to theme the linux from scratch.

the basic knownledge

Constructing ... ...
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Summary for Summer Semester
Building the Blog (02): Say Hello World
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