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JavaEE Training Note - Day 13

Today’s topic is some tips to the solution to the problems in development, varying from the frontend development to back-end persistence technology.


jQuery is a frontend library which provides a unified api to hide the differences of browsers from various vendors. It provides a handy and expressive approach to manipulate DOM objects. Besides, it also contains some utilities for common tasks in frontend development.

basic usage

The basic usage od jQuery is its CSS selector based query language to select object in DOM. By default, it will define a global variable jQuery and a quick reference $ to it. To prevent conflicts with other libraries, a common approach is use immediate invoked function to wrap the jQuery object.

// use jQuery with $ annotation inside this scope

To use jQuery to manipulate DOM object, the first step is to select object via selector:

$('#id'); // id selector
$('.class'); // class selector
$('body'); // element type selctor
$('[attr=val]'); //attribute selector
$('input:active'); // state selector
$('div.class'); // componend selector
// ...

The return value of the listed invocation to jQuery function is a jQuery object. This can also be acquired via wrapping a normal DOM object.

$(document.getElementById('id')); // $('#id')

The jQuery object is a wrapper of its inner DOM object. It can be used to manipulate class names, attributes, styles, values, etc. The most significant feature of its API design is the chain-style api.

$('.val').attr('name', 'val-ele').css('position', 'absolute').text();

The invocation chain is infinite unless the return value of an function is required. By utilizing the dynamic feature of JavaScript, the setter and getter method can be expressed with same name.

$('.val').text('foo').text(); // set first, then get the value

effects and animations

An important part of jQuery is its effects. For most of elements, it display state can be changed via some simple functions.


For other effects, jQuery provides an interpolation based animation function.

$('.foo'),animate({height: 200}, 400); // change the height of element to 200px in 400ms

This api also provides interface for customizing the easing function, and a callback function. Besides, the animate can also be chained.

event binding

Just like the core features, the event listener can also be attached and removed like the core attributes.

.on('click', function(){})
.bind('mouseenter', function(){})


jQuery also provides a set of utilities. The ajax library is the most used part.

$.get('url', function(resp){})
$.post('url', payload, function(resp){})

Another useful function is load for dynamically load page content.



jQuery also contains a plugin system. A plugin can registered to be a jQuery plugin to apply effects based on selector feature.

Java Exception

As a strong typed programming language, Java contains a typed exception system to handle unexpected scenarios of problems. Exceptions in Java can be categorized into two parts, the checked exceptions (class extends from Exception, except RuntimeException as well as its decedents) and the unchecked exception (RuntimeExceptions, Errorss and other class derivate from Throwable).

An exception can be raised by a throw statement. Then, the exception will be caught by a try-catch block.

For large application, exception can be raised from anywhere of the application. This require an effective means to manage them. A common approach is wrap the suspicious section with try-catch block, then handle it or re-throw it in the catch block.


In most of applications, there are some tables with thousands of records. To display the content of the table, a pagination is required. Otherwise, either the server application or the client browser, as well as the network, will fail to handle them and crash.

The pagination is not quite complex with the following steps:

  1. query the total amount of records;
  2. query data from a position of table (offset to first row);
  3. limit the item to be selected;
  4. calculate the number of total pages;
  5. calculate current page number;
  6. display data and pagination control.

SQL Join

Join statement in SQL can be used to make cross table query. There are two types of join.

Outer join

Just like a Desecrate product operation applied to the two tables, the outer join of two tables is the combination of each row of the first table and the second table. This operation is relative costly.

Inner join

Join two table according to the foreign key constraint. This ie more useful in most cases.

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JavaEE Training Note - Day 12
JavaEE Training Note - Day 14
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