Setup R environment
This post is to record the configuration steps of the R environment, which is a language as well as an eco-system for statistics and related computing and graphing. With the CRAN platform for sharing and exploring extra package of R, the capibility of the R language is much more extented.
R package installation steps
The target system of following steps is Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial
). Apart from
its code name which apeared in second step, most of the steps can also be
applied to other version of ubuntu.
Add key of CRAN repository to system apt key store
1sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9Then add the R package entry to apt source list
In this step, we can specify approprate mirror site to speed up package installation process. A full list of registered mirrors can accessed from CPAN’s website
12345# use the official repositorysudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] xenial/'# or use an alternate sourcesudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] xenial/'Update package list cache and install R package
12sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install r-base-devConfigure mirror selection of R package and its local storage location
At the startup time of R, two configuration file will be checked. One is the
file (including its global version and the user-specific one) for startup configuation written in R, and another is theRenviron
file (including its global version and the user-specific one as well) for program wide system environment variables represented as key-value pairs.The default local storage of R package is a global path which generally require the permission from root user to modify. Hence a local package storage is more convenient.
123touch ~/.Renvironmkdir -p ~/lib/R/libraryecho 'R_LIBS_USER="~/lib/R/library"' >> ~/.RenvironThe
can contain more items. The following configuration set the mirrors of CRAN packages.12# ~/.Rprofileoptions("repos" = c(CRAN=""))
R Studio
The most popular free and open source IDE for R is R Studio, which can be
installed by downloading its debain package and install via dpkg
So far, a simple environment of R is setup.